Sr. Lynn's Courtesy Call on the Archbishop of Ruteng, and other events
APR 14

On April 8, Sr. Lynn, Sr. Marie, and Sr. Judith had a courtesy call on the Bishop of Ruteng, Archbishop Siprianus Hormat. Through the heavy rains, Fr. Abdon, SVD accompanied the Sisters to the Archbishop's Palace. Archbishop Hormat together with the Diocesan Vicar and Diocesan Treasurer, Romo Alo welcomed us. On behalf of the Hijas de Jesus Superior General, Graciela Francovig, Sr. Lynn expressed her gratitude for having the Hijas de Jesus in Ruteng. The Archbishop appreciated the Hijas de Jesus’ collaborative efforts in the educative mission of the Archdiocese.
Fr. Abdon also shared his time with the aspirants in the formative session accompanied by the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. For this, the aspirants felt so grateful.
- Visit to the Families of the Aspirants
Sr. Lynn took time to visit the families of our aspirants in Mano, Dano, and Colol on April 9 and 10. The families expressed a hearty but simple hospitality in the Indonesian traditional rite where the leader of the village offered rooster and wine. Lunch was served and there was a short conversation with the families. Sr. Lynn expressed her gratitude to the families for entrusting their daughters to the Hijas de Jesus Congregation. As a sign of appreciation for the visit, the families gave rice cooked in bamboo and cassava. The road to these far places was long yet it was a spirit-filled encounter of God’s presence through the families of our aspirants.