PANAY-GUIMARAS Community Encounter
JUL 15

The Community of Panay-Guimaras had an encounter at Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus, Iloilo on July 13, 2024, for the orientation for the 19th General Congregation. The community was blessed with the presence of the Provincial Superior, Sr. Emelinda C. Falsis, F.I.
Sr. Erna C. Biyo, the community Superior, and Sr. Lynn took turns in giving the orientation.
The 15 sisters were so happy and excited to have been given time to browse the materials much so when asked to express their sentiments and comments. The common sentiment is to pray and ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom as we go through the dynamics and this discernment process as we make our postulates.
On the same day, the sisters cast their ballots for the Provincial delegates. They returned to their houses with hope, committed to prioritizing house meetings and community encounters.
-Sr. Lorna C. Bonghanoy, FI