Journeying Together in Unity towards the Provincial Congregation
DEC 09

On this fourth day of our countdown toward the Provincial Congregation, we turn to Mary Immaculate, our model of communion and mission. As the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, she teaches us to walk together in faith, hope, humility, and trust, always open to the Spirit's prompting. Advent reminds us of her "yes" to God—a fiat that brought salvation into the world and united all in Christ's mission.
Today, we ask Mary Immaculate to intercede for us as we seek to deepen our communion and commitment to the mission entrusted to us. May her example inspire us to listen with her heart, reflect with her clarity, and discern with her generosity. As we prepare for the Provincial Congregation, may we, like Mary, respond with unwavering faith, embracing our being Hijas de Jesus in mission with joy and hope for the greater glory of God and the good of our brothers and sisters.