The Final Day of the Provincial Congregation: A Celebration of Gratitude and Fulfilment
DEC 27

The final day of the Provincial Congregation (PC) was marked by gratitude and deep joy at fulfilling the mission entrusted to the “Congregadas”. It began with an opening song and prayer of thanksgiving, setting a reflective tone.
The highlight of the session was the unanimous approval of key documents, a powerful affirmation of the delegates' unity. A significant moment was the sharing of reflections, where participants expressed their insights, discoveries, and deep movements of the Spirit. These exchanges showed the richness of communal discernment and the Spirit's guidance throughout the PC.
In her closing address, Sr. Lynn expressed heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their dedication and commitment throughout the journey. With warmth and sincerity, she officially declared the Provincial Congregation closed. At this point, the hall erupted in a burst of applause, accompanied by clapping, warm embraces, and heartfelt words of gratitude, especially directed towards Sister Lynn for having carried out the Provincial Congregation with such grace and excellence.
Then, everyone stood up to sing the Hymn of Mother Foundress, Clara Estrella, a rightful tribute to our Mother Foundress for having accompanied us throughout the congregation.
And we thank Mother General, Graciela, the General government, and all the sisters worldwide who accompanied us with their prayers.
After a short break, the congregadas proceeded to the chapel for the Closing Mass, presided over by Fr. Bobby Buenconsejo, SJ. He reflected on three insights from the Gospel and noted the providential timing of the PC's conclusion on the feast of St. John the Evangelist. A moving moment followed when Fr. Bobby sang Silent Night in German and English, with the assembly joining in the English version, filling the chapel with solemn peace.
As the day drew to a close, hearts overflowed with gratitude. Accompanied by St. Candida, Bl. Maria Antonia, Venerable Vicenta, and the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit, the journey was clear: God had truly been with us—Emmanuel was in our midst.
And what a journey it has been—a walk together in faith, unity, and the abiding presence of God every step of the way. Blessed be God forever!
Last act of the Canvassers...
A deep embrace on the final day
Fr. Bob with Srs. Lynn, Marie, Elvie and Nori A table of veils...
The "goodbyes" of the delegates leaving early the next day...