
Laudato Si Webinar: Pathway Towards Taking Care of our Common Home

FEB 16

Laudato Si Webinar: Pathway Towards Taking Care of our Common Home

     On February 15, 2025, the Hijas de Jesus sisters, along with some school administrators and school youth ministers of the Indico-Pacific Province, were blessed to participate in a morning webinar titled A Deep Journey into Laudato Si. The webinar began at 8:00 AM and concluded at 12:00 NN.

     The event was organized by the Provincial Youth Ministry Team in collaboration with the Laudato Si Movement-Pilipinas. This movement provides training to individuals who seek to advocate for a renewed way of relating to God’s creation. The webinar opened with a brief introduction of the movement’s members, who would serve as facilitators, followed by a prayer expressed through an interpretative dance.

     The webinar explored four key topics, facilitated by three speakers:

A. Where Are We Now? This topic introduced participants to the current realities facing our common home. It highlighted issues such as global warming, consumerism, the misuse of indigenous peoples’ properties, and many other ecological problems.

B. How Did We Get Here? This topic focused on the root causes of the current ecological crisis. Among these causes are the desire for constant improvement, the pursuit of comfort, and the rise of a throwaway culture.

C. What Is Possible Now? The third topic addressed the possibilities for change. It emphasized the significant role of young people and the potential of social media. Young people can make a substantial contribution to ecological renewal, while social media can be leveraged as a platform to educate and inspire others to care for our common home.

D. Where Do We Go From Here? Lastly, participants were encouraged to make personal commitments and take actionable steps toward achieving a sustainable ecology. Everyone has a shared responsibility to care for and preserve Mother Earth.

     After each topic, participants were given time to reflect and either write their thoughts in their journals or share them in the Zoom meeting chat box.

     Before the webinar concluded, participants made a Laudato Si Pledge. Despite being an online activity, the pledge served as a commitment for each participant to take concrete actions and remain dedicated to renewing and bringing more life to our common home.

     The participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity, as they were once again challenged, inspired, and filled with hope to fulfill their role as responsible stewards of God’s creation.


By  Crystal Bermejo, FI