MAR 05

Lent is a special time for Christians, a journey of 40 days of preparation to experience with depth the Holy Week and Easter. It is a time of reflection, conversion and openness of heart.
This year, for the Hijas Jesus, Lent takes on an even more profound meaning as we continue to prepare for the 19th General Congregation (GC XIX). We want to live this time united in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide this process with wisdom and with disponibility.
How do we walk this Lenten pathway?
For this, we have prepared a spiritual roadmap that will allow us to intensify our prayer for GCXIX. Each week we will be sharing:
A paragraph from the prayer for the 19th GC
The Gospel for each Sunday of Lent.
An invitation from St. Candida Maria de Jesus in relation to the Word.
A concrete recommendation for life, to help us live our faith in our daily lives.
This Lenten journey is an opportunity to allow ourselves to be transformed by the Word of God, to strengthen our hope and to open our hearts to the action of the Spirit. Together, as a community, we want to walk towards Easter in an attitude of discernment and prayer.
Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2025, entitled “Let us journey together in hope,” invites us to live this Lenten journey enriched by the grace of the Jubilee Year, dwelling more deeply on what it means:
To walk
in hope
And discovering the calls to conversion which the mercy of God is addressing all of us, both personally and as a community. The Pope emphasizes the importance of recognizing our vital situation as pilgrims and of walking together towards an encounter with the Risen Christ.
Our Lenten journey is integrated within this ecclesial perspective, seeking to renew our commitment to be bearers of hope in our community and beyond.
Today, we pray in a special way the entire prayer for the 19th GC and we prepare ourselves to be docile to what God intends to do in us and through us on this journey.
Prayer for the 19th General Congregation
We pray to you, Father, for the Hijas de Jesus,
in this time of the General Congregation.
Grant us to be docile to the Spirit,
the grace of discernment
which invites us to examine the paths we have traveled
and to choose what today would give more life to
this Body in Mission.
Bless us with the gift of true listening:
to receive with reverence your Word in prayer,
in the voices that come to us from the wounds
of the world and in the sharing of each sister.
Give us your wisdom to be new wineskins,
flexible and open,
to receive the new wine that transforms
our vulnerability into possibility
and our longings into greater vitality for the charism.
May Mary be the star of our paths.
as she was for St. Candida Maria de Jesus.
We will make with Jesus a path of hope
together with all those who seek a new way
of being human, of being Church and
of being brothers and sisters.
Glory be…
We invite you to join us in this itinerary of prayer and preparation. Let's walk together towards Easter, praying for GCXIX and preparing our hearts for this time of grace.
???? Follow our weekly posts and let's make a pilgrimage together on this path of hope.
By the International Communication Team