“Salt and Light of the World…”: Metro Manila Lay Collaborators' Retreat
SEP 10

Twenty nine maintenance personnel from four Metroplitan Manila Hijas de Jesus residences made their overnight retreat at Manresa Retreat House last Sept. 2-3, 2023 facilitated by three Hijas de Jesus sisters Mary Juelar, Cecile Sequio and Marianita Teñoso.
Manresa School had fifteen participants, Manresa Retreat House and Tahanan Candida Maria de Jesus had six each while Mater Dei and NUNS (National University Nazareth School) had one each.
The participants said that joining the retreat was a “great grace and blessing” for them after surviving the 2-year pandemic. Many were happy to attend a retreat again after a very long time. Some were excited to experience it for the first time in their lives!One non-catholic staff also listened to the talks and joined their sharings.
The retreatants were very grateful to their sister facilitators and to all the people who made this retreat possible for them : Sr. Pacita Legaspi, FI who took over the kitchen work, Sr. Army Palijo,Sr.Caridad Sanchez, the 4 postulants from Asia Oriental Province and the 2 Junior sisters, Francisca and Paula who lovingly washed the dishes in “jet-speed” together with two other lay volunteers.
The retreat started at 5 pm of September 2, Saturday with short self introduction of each participant and “Walk with Mary” (rosary prayed in procession). After supper Sr. Mary began the first session by asking their expectations in making the retreat and talked about the Examen. Then they had a 30 minute Exposition/Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for their night prayers. The next day, they joined the Sunday mass Mass at MRH
Chapel with three of them serving as readers. The second session followed after breakfast given by Sr. Mary on God’s Love: Unconditional, Unchanging, Unending. After, they were given questions to reflect individually, shared in small groups and later with the big group. The third session was given by Sr. Marianita on Comissioning : Be Salt of the Earth and Light of the World followed by a closing paraliturgy at the chapel. As their names were called, Sr. Cecile placed salt on their palms to eat and received a lighted candle from Sr. Marianita. They are symbols of their two-fold mission from Jesus to be “ salt and light ” of the world in their homes and work places everyday.
The retreat ended with a sumptuous lunch and joyful greeting and singing birthday song to Ms. Femy from Tahanan Candida Maria de Jesus who turned 70 that day. She has worked with the sisters for 30 years and currently caring for our elderly sisters.
Everyone left with grateful hearts for the great opportunity given them by the Congregation to experience God intimately in this retreat and to feel the joy of belonging to the big family of Mother Candida with the new bond of friendship and fraternity that brought them together!
- Sr. Nitz Teñoso,FI
Please see the photos below