NOV 30

Sr. Marie starts her missionary journey as an Hija de Jesus in the land of Indonesia. Last November 30, 2023, during the mission sending in Manresa Retreat Chapel, she received the missionary crucifix, a symbol of Jesus, poor and humble. Placing her hope in Mary, her dearest mother, and asking her to place her close to her son Jesus, she keeps in her heart the words of St. Candida - “In Jesus, we have everything, without him everything is lost.”
Greetings, my dear Sisters and lay collaborators. I appreciate very much your prayers and support.
Allow me to share a little about my journey in this NEW CHAPTER as an Hija de Jesus missionary to Indonesia. When Sr. Lynn shared the power point pictures of Indonesia and she asked the sisters who would volunteer for this mission, I did not hesitate to volunteer. I also raised my hand, without knowing the culture, the language, the climate, the food, and many other things about Indonesia. But, what caught my attention most was the presence of many young and promising girls longing for God.
Sometime in June, Sr. Lynn called me, informing me that she was considering me to be assigned to Indonesia. I was truly speechless. I didn’t know that it would be this soon. She has given me three days to discern but three days were not enough for me. I had so many things to consider, like the adjustment, the pain of separation, and the giving up of my present assignment in St. Joseph, my “comfort zone.” I considered before the Lord this proposal from Sr. Lynn. I felt challenged. I knew my capacities and limitations, but trusting in God’s providence and care, I answered YES, “I will go.” The Word of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew commissioning the disciples was engraved in my heart. “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of times.” I thank my community in Panay-Guimaras, with special mention to Sr. Nilda for their generosity, for their affirming presence and prayers.
I would like also to take this opportunity to give my deepest gratitude to the Congregation in the person of Sr. Graciela for the trust and support for this new mission in Indonesia.
Indeed, this would not be possible without the help of Sr. Lynn, her government, and the whole province of Indico-Pacific. Sr. Lynn has not left a stone unturned in providing the accompaniment and loving support as we begin this mission in Indonesia. Thank you, Sr. Lynn. God knows how I greatly appreciate your concern even for minute details of this mission. Sr. Lorna, thank you also for facilitating our trips and needs in the community.
At this point, allow me to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you my dear sisters in the Province of Indico-Pacific. Your great interest in the mission in Indonesia, your loving support and prayers, and your kind words of encouragement inspire me to journey with courage and enthusiasm, bringing the charismatic gift of Mo. Candida to the uttermost part of the world. Thank you, too, to all who in one way or another other continuously helping us to move forward to this mission.
At present, we have four amazing young aspirants. They have the courage and the willingness to learn our way of life as Hijas de Jesus in its initial stage. I count on your prayers for each one of them- Rena, Kristiani, Fransiska, and Kurnia. Your prayers will certainly uplift their spirits to walk with perseverance the journey they have begun.
By the time you read this message, I am now in Ruteng Indonesia. I am assured that you will continue to pray for all of us. Thank you and I am united with all of you in the same ideals of Mo. Candida.