Reflexology Training Graduation Rites 2023 -2024
JAN 26

Twenty-eight (28) adults from different Puroks ( Himaya, Ulaliman, and Iponan) gathered together for their Graduation rites at the Multipurpose Hall of our house.
The program began with the Pambansang Awit followed by the Opening Prayer. Sister Dionisia Quela gave the opening remarks and emphasized that their determination and perseverance helped them reach their goal. She hopes that this new skill can help them earn as well as to be of service to others who need healing. From there, Sister Dionisia presented the Graduates to Sister Felie Acelo who confirmed them.
Three intermission numbers were performed as they showcased their singing and dancing talents. An inspirational message was also given by Sister Patricia Aragon thanking God, the participants, and their trainees for this new achievement they have attained. Before the program ended, a thank you message was given by one of the Graduates recognizing the gift of knowing how to use reflex, ventosa, and other alternative medicines skills that can be used to help others especially those who are sick.