
The First Celebration of Mo. Candida’s Birthday in Indonesia-May 31, 2024

JUN 01

The First Celebration of Mo. Candida’s Birthday in Indonesia-May 31, 2024

The community came together in a joyous celebration on the occasion of the Birthday of Mo Foundress, St Candida Ma de Jesus, today at the residence of the Hijas de Jesus, (Putri Putri Yesus in Indonesia) located in Leda, NTT Indonesia. The day started with a solemn mass in the morning celebrated by Fr Fredy  Jehadin, SVD. The mass was joined by some friends from other congregations like the Dominican of Pompei, Our Lady of Sorrows, OSM sisters, Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary, some close neighbors, and other young friends. Our aspirants sang some English, Tagalog, and Indonesian songs during the Mass.

The atmosphere was filled with reverence and devotion as their songs echoed through the sacred space of our house. The homily of Fr Fredy about the life of St Candida has awakened the invited guests' curiosity, especially when Fr Fredy shared the charism of St Candida, mentioning our “Filiation-Fraternity”.

After the mass, a simple meal was served with food cooked and prepared by the community. The celebration was a vibrant display of Faith, unity, and community spirit. Camaraderie filled the air as aspirants, sisters, friends, and guests came together to rejoice in the life of St Candida. The presence of our neighbors added an extra layer of warmth and inclusivity in the gathering, strengthening the bonds of friendship and kinship within the community.

The aspirants also shared their heartfelt impression of the celebration. Their words resonated deeply with us offering insights and reflections inspired by the virtues of St Candida. Through these impressions, the aspirants conveyed their commitment to embodying the values and principles upheld by Mo. Foundress, inspiring others to walk the path of Faith and service.

The birthday celebration of Mo Foundress, was a day filled with love, faith, and a close encounter with the Lord and with each other reminding all of us of the power of community and the importance of honoring St. Candida who has shaped our spiritual journey.

May the light of St Candida’s wisdom continue to guide and illuminate the path of all who seek to follow in her footsteps, embodying her spirit of Christ centeredness, Love for the Blessed Virgin, love for the poor, Compassion, and Humility.

Sr Mary