JUL 05

The Meeting
Juana Josefa met Fr. Herranz at the church of San Felipe de la Penitencia in Valladolid, and he became a great blessing to her and the Congregation. He was of great help to her personally, and in the Congregation's growth. From their first meeting until his death in Loyola on August 22, 1896, he was always close to her and the sisters.
The Man
Fr. Herranz was born in Valladolid on July 5, 1819, on the feast of San Miguel de Los Santos, and was baptized in the parish of San Nicolas. He was the fourth son of Mr. Mateo San Jose and Mrs. Apolonia Herranz. Though his father died young, his family was well off, and he studied at Valladolid secondary school and University, graduating in Law in 1843. He worked in the family business instead of practicing law.
At 36, he became a Jesuit, joining the Society of Jesus on July 21, 1856. Due to political instability in Spain, he completed his novitiate and studies in France. Ordained in 1861, he served in Madrid, Leon, and then returned to Valladolid in 1868.
Fr. Herranz was a man of few words, wise judgment, prudent decisions, and unwavering faith. He was humble, obedient, and deeply prayerful, with a limitless trust in God.
The Inspirational Encounter
Altar of the Holy Family where Juana Josefa prayed fervently
On April 2, 1869, Good Friday, Valladolid, Juana Josefa decided to fast by eating only small bread rolls as a sign of her devotion. This devotion was supported by Fr. Herranz. While praying before the altar of the Holy Family at the Rosarillo church, she felt a divine light, and understood she should found a Congregation named "Hijas de Jesus," dedicated to saving souls through the education of children and youth. Overwhelmed by the vision but uncertain how to proceed, she struggled with doubts and obstacles that night, praying fervently.
Inside the Church of San Felipe de Penitencia
The next morning, she went to the Parish Church of San Felipe de Penitencia, and she sought out Fr. Herranz, whom she saw was saying Mass, and during the consecration, he was weeping.
The real confession box
After Mass, she confessed her vision to him, expecting disbelief, but he took her seriously. Despite her illiteracy, he encouraged her to learn, showing his trust in God's will. Later, it was revealed to her that Fr. Herranz believed in the necessity of a religious congregation for girls' education and had been waiting for a sign from God. During that long Mass, he heard a voice affirming her as "the chosen one for the foundation". This confirmation led him to support her vision despite her limitations.
Trusting in the Holy Virgin, she believed she could accomplish the task. She often said that the Immaculate Conception, the Holy Virgin, was the true foundress of the Congregation. Through the guidance and accompaniment of Fr. Herranz, she was able to fulfill the Lord's desire for her to found the Hijas de Jesus Congregation. (Taken from "Wherever God May Call You" by Ma. del Carmen de Frias Tomero, FI
Corporals used by Fr. Herranz during the mass with the Sisters -Mother Foundress' Museum, Rome
The Rosary beads of Fr. Herranz, Mother Foundress' Museum, Rome