"Let's Go!"
JUL 06

These words summarized the sentiments of all seventeen participants to the recently concluded Indico-Pacific Provincial Government and Local Superiors’ Meeting held from June 30 to July 1, 2024. It was held in Manresa Retreat House, Quezon City. The objective of the gathering was to have a common orientation of the materials and dynamics to be used in the Provincial Congregation. The Local Superiors will, in turn, orient all the sisters in their respective communities with the end view of formulating postulates for the 19th General Congregation.
How was the experience?
This was the first time participants came from five countries now composing the Indico-Pacific Province – Philippines, Japan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Thailand. Seeing sisters towing luggage from different mission areas in Asia was a joy. Mother Foundress must be so happy seeing her daughters come “home” for something significant in the life of the Congregation.
The orientation was prepared very well by the Provincial Council. The participants felt they were well guided in the presentation of the contents and process. Though at the beginning, there were many questions, clarifications, and concerns because of the responsibility, and because they come from different realities, in the end, they felt assured they were not alone. There was a strong sense of body. And what reverberated was the remark of Sr. Emelinda Falsis, the Provincial Superior, “We are not here to represent our own countries but to celebrate the richness of diversity in the Congregation.”
The atmosphere was very familial, the sharing with great depth and interior freedom, the passion and commitment to the mission without question. The deepest desire of all was how to respond to the call for the relevance of the Daughters of Jesus in today’s world, given our charism in the church. Everyone realized that the process, being transformational, calls for deep interiority and listening to the Holy Spirit, who is the protagonist. It needs openness and great trust in the Lord.
The Provincial Congregation is a “sacred time”. We need to prioritize it in our schedules. As we had our group picture taking, we all shouted with conviction the chosen motto for the 19th General Congregation, “WITH HIM, pathway of HOPE!”