AUG 10

After a 5-day canonical visit to the Metro Manila Community, Sr. Emelinda Falsis, FI Provincial Superior of Indico Pacific Province, concluded her visit with a community encounter, 8 AM-12 PM after which a joyful celebration of Sr. Lorna’s birthday at the conference room of Manresa School last August 10, 2024.
Early that bright Saturday morning of August 10, one sister from residing in Marikina and another three from Quezon City happily joined the nine other sisters at Manresa School, Paranaque to formally meet with Sr. Lynn, Provincial Superior of Indico Pacific Province at the close of her canonical visit.
The community encounter turned out to be a “quite different” experience from previous ones for all the community's sisters led by our Superior, Sr. Normida Marquez, FI. They were unanimous in their sentiments that they felt God’s presence very strongly in the joy, openness, and depth of sharing they had. Thanks to the creative and Spirit-inspired facilitation done by Sr. Lynn.
During the meeting, the sisters felt that a real and deep listening occurred. There was also a familiar atmosphere of freedom to share honestly what each one thinks and feels, allowing sisters to even “dare to be different” in their sharing. The spiritual conversation style of listening and sharing is a very effective way of discovering what God asks us to do personally and communally.
We discovered that “communication” is not only a necessity but a way of life. Happy to know that all of us long for a deeper kind of communication … it is our desire to be connected. I saw that it enriches our sense of belonging…sense of body …. our sense of being a “community in the mission”.
- I think this is very timely. We are just a newly formed community, a big one with several new members. We still do not know each other yet. Communication will surely help us know each sister more sincerely and to relate with one another better.
- It deepened my appreciation of the richness of my vocation as an “Hija” de Jesus and my life as a religious sister… It was not just my recalling of past experiences but of recognizing God's guiding hand and generous presence in my spiritual journey… God's work was evident during our time of reflection, and sharing, where openness, gratitude, and attentive listening were fostered among us. We were also guided to identify areas in our lives that needed to be strengthened to deepen our bonds as sisters. I extend my heartfelt thanks to Sr. Lynn for her loving presence and for inspiring us to be a balm and kind presence to one another.
- “Communication” as the common call for each one of us to grow and deepen surfaced very clearly. More than external, it is a communication of “SELF” to the other … I was able to share what my heart wants to say, honestly and bravely! I felt Sr. Lynn’s deep respect and sincere effort to listen with her heart too. She was indeed an “encouragement” to all of us … Very grateful to have you with us Sr. Lynn…What a Spirit-filled meeting indeed!
- "It was a spiritual visit that encourages to dive deep towards harmony in faith as a community in mission."
- "Like a ray of sunshine after the drizzle, the community feels the gentle warmth of being listened to, creating a calming environment to see the giftedness of our vocation and mission as Hijas de Jesus. It was an "examen" which we are most grateful for and where we need to explore approaches to respond positively to the grey area of our life as committed persons.
Thanks to Sr. Lynn and to all the Sisters of Metro Manila.
Sr. Nitz Teñoso, FI