
Canonical visit of Mo. General, Sr. Graciela Francovig and Sr. Maria Teresa Pinto in Mae Hong Son, Thailand

SEP 27

Canonical visit of Mo. General, Sr. Graciela Francovig and Sr. Maria Teresa Pinto in Mae Hong Son, Thailand

Our FI community in Mae Hong Son, Thailand has just experienced the grace-filled and joy-laden days (16-20 September 2024) brought about by the canonical visit and presence of Mother General, Sr. Graciela Francovig, FI, and a General Consultor, Sr. Maria Teresa Pinto, FI.

Those 4 days it made us feel tangibly our sense of belonging to the Congregation as Hijas de Jesus- a familial togetherness, sharing meals, stories, experiences, and touches of laughter. The bond as one body was strengthened through the daily mass and receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. Through individual conferences, we allowed ourselves to be known more and our work in JRS among our refugee brothers and sisters.

 Our interaction with one another as we handle situations, doing whatever we can to help make things better, and complementing one another with our gifts/talents/ skills – are manifestations of God’s loving Presence in us. Without Him, what has been would not have happened. It was a beautiful experience of harmony in our religious life rooted in Christ!

Our heartfelt thanks to God, our loving Father, to Mother General, Sr. Graciela Francovig, and Sr. Maria Teresa Pinto for the meaningful visit and for all the graces and joy it has given each one of us.

Many thanks, too, to the JRS-MHS Team, especially to Yonal, the Project Director, for all the support they have given our community during the visit and to all our Hijas de Jesus Sisters who have offered prayers for the safe trips and fruitful visit of Mother General and Sr. Maria Teresa Pinto. May the good Lord reward all of you.

Lastly, our thanks to Mary, our Mother, St. Joseph, Saint Candida Jesus, Blessed Antonia Bandres, Venerable Vicenta Guillarte, all the angels and saints who intercede for the safe trips, especially in going to the refugee camps, and for the fruitful visit to our community.

Srs. Elvenia, Maria Pilar and Evelyn, FI Community, Mae Hong Son, Thailand

The Canonical Visits in Photos: 

September 16- The Arrival    


September 17- Mass at the community, With the parish priest and assistant priest, with the Camp -based priest
The  “ Bambina” Sisters (Mo. Gen. Graciela is an alumna of their school in Argentina)  


    September 18-  Visit to the Ban Mai Nai Soi Refugee Camp: An encounter


       With the border students ( those with staff - no families in the camp)


with the primary pupils



with the JRS Project Director and other JRS staff


With the Family Friendship Group     



 September 19- visiting some beautiful places in Mae Hong Son 



September 20- The Last Day ( at the community prayer room ) 



Before leaving the community


At the airport before the departure