NOV 16

…all the provinces have already their members for the Provincial Congregations (CPs). The names of the elected sisters are already written in the heart of God. This is the propitious
moment to prepare us in our interior dispositions for a more evangelical participation in the Provincial Congregations. - CIRCULAR LETTER Nº 38 from the General Superior
The Circular Letter # 45 of the Provincial Superior, Sr. Emelinda Falsis, FI last September 8, 2024 on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary indicated the names of the members of the Preparatory Commission - Sr. Normida Marquez, FI; Ma. Leoly Quitorio, FI; and Sr. Patricia Aragon, FI. The said commission gathered at Mater Dei Community – Provincial House and worked from November 11-16, 2024.
The Preparatory Commission with the Provincial Superior has been entrusted the following work:
- The selection and arrangement of the postulates to the Provincial Congregation;
- The preparation of reports on matters proposed by the Superior General and the Provincial Superior to be treated in the Provincial Congregation;
- The suggestion for the creation and the number of commissions, according to the material received; and
- The formulation of working norms and the study of the aspects of organization.
In a spirit of dialogue, prayer and discernment the Preparatory Commission has accomplished the task assigned to them. Let us continue to pray for this path in preparation for the General Congregation XIX.
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