A Spirit-Filled Start to the Provincial Congregation
DEC 18

Day 1: A Graceful Beginning
The Provincial Congregation began with hearts uplifted in the Eucharist, celebrated by Fr. Xavier Olin, SJ. His homily touched hearts, that brought hope and enthusiasm. He beautifully outlined the Holy Spirit's vital role in the Provincial Congregation and also, encouraged everyone to draw strength from our roots... Mother Foundress' encounter with St. Ignatius' statue at a young age, and quoted Fr. Herranz's words," The work is not yours, but God's". He presented a vision of renewal, urging delegates to let the Spirit breathe life into every discernment and conversation. His inspiring message set the tone for P.C., grounded in faith, trust, and collaboration, promising he would accompany the PC members with his prayers.
With reverence and hope, the Provincial Congregation was formally opened with a prayer and warm welcome by Sr. Lynn, sharing a brief yet meaningful "State of the Province" report that grounded everyone in the present realities.
Guided by the Spirit, the elections followed, a process done in prayerful discernment. The Holy Spirit's presence was palpable as roles were entrusted to the right hands.
The delegates offered not just their voices, but their very selves—gifts to one another during lively conversations, heartfelt sharing, and reflective insights during the session.
Amid the seriousness, there were simple joys and lighthearted moments in the corridors and halls that kept spirits high. Laughter, smiles, and camaraderie as well as serious moments became the marks of the day.
...and the day ended with an Examen, a sacred pause to give thanks for the Spirit's guidance and to reflect on the seeds planted for the next days ahead.
Photo of the Mass:
Lifted in grace! The Mass of the Holy Spirit marked a heartfelt start to our Provincial Congregation.
Sr. Lynn's Welcome- With hearts united, Let's move forward!
Elections: Guided by the Spirit, we entrust roles with prayerful hearts...
The Secretaries
The Canvassers
The Moderators
The Info Team
The Editors
The Call-to-Order
Light Moments: Because even serious missions deserve smiles in the hallways
The Immediate Day of Preparation
On the eve of the Provincial Congregation, the "congregadas" dedicated a day to prayer, group sharing, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The day culminated in the celebration of the Holy Mass, presided over by Fr. Fred Cristian Narvasa, Parish Priest of Sta. Perpetua.
Following the Mass, the Provincial government led Fr. Cris to the Inmaculada Hall, where he blessed the hall and all the materials to be used, invoking the Spirit’s guidance and grace for the days ahead.