Looking Back with Gratitude, Moving Forward with Hope
JAN 02

Gratitude: What are the moments, people, or experiences this year 2024 that I am most grateful for, and how have they shaped me?
2024 has been a year full of grace, for which I am deeply grateful to God. I am blessed to have sisters, lay collaborators, and the Congregation who continually fill my heart with love and support.One specific experience I am especially thankful for is the privilege of being with young people. This experience pushes me out of my comfort zone and teaches me to have a listening heart attuned to their stories and struggles. Accompanying the youth is not about imposing my desires on them but about journeying with them, understanding where they are coming from, and walking alongside them with compassion.
Most of all, I am grateful to God, who never fails to guide me and allows me to feel His palpable love through my experiences and the people He places along this journey of religious life.
Growth: In what ways have I grown spiritually, emotionally, or personally this year? What challenges helped me grow the most?
The main aspect of my life where I feel I have grown the most is in relying on the grace of God rather than on my own capacity. This reliance deepens my relationship with Him, as it becomes an experience of abandoning myself to His will and entrusting to Him the tasks I carry out in ministry. This experience brings me emotional peace because I trust that His grace is always at work, challenging me to remain sensitive to recognize it. Personally, it is also a journey of embracing both my strengths and weaknesses, knowing that God works through them equally.
For the Jubilee of Hope
In what areas of my life, community, or mission am I being called to be a bearer of hope, and how can I actively share this hope with others in the coming year?
As I look forward to the Jubilee Year 2025, I feel called to be a bearer of hope in the community and apostolate I am part of. I sense God inviting me to bring joy to my sisters in the community and my companions in the apostolate, offering them inspiration for their lives. It is my deep desire that people may experience a vibrant and joyful pilgrim Church. With God’s grace, I hope to radiate a joyful presence to others, wherever I may be.