Happy Feast Day of the Most Holy Name of Jesus!
JAN 03

Happy Feast Day!
Today, January 3, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus—a name that holds immeasurable love, mercy, and salvation. As Daughters of Jesus, this feast holds a special place in our hearts, for we bear His name and are called to embody His presence in the world. This day invites us to pause, reflect, and give thanks for the precious gift of Jesus, who is our light and our guide. We are deeply grateful for the grace of being chosen, the privilege of our vocation, and the mission entrusted to us.
May the beauty, power, and tenderness of His Holy Name shine through our words, our actions of service, and our encounters with others. In His Name, may we draw strength, find joy, and embrace the courage to walk faithfully in love and humility.