
FI Youth Offers to Spread

JAN 21

FI Youth Offers to Spread

Rome, January 17, 2025

Dear sisters and our lay collaborators:

               We hope that you had a meaningful Christmas. If you remember, on December 24, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door and, with this gesture, the Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee began.

                 The FI Youth wants to join this “pilgrimage of Hope” and, with this letter, we present to you a “movement” that we are offering. 

Pope Francis told us in one of his Pope's World Prayer Network videos:

“Christian hope is a gift from God which fills our lives with joy. And today, we need it so much. The world needs it so much!

Hope is an anchor. And we must cling to the rope of hope. Let us hold on to it tightly.

Let us help one another to encounter Christ, who gives us life.

Let us set out as pilgrims of hope to celebrate life and in life, to celebrate the coming of this jubilee as a phase of this pilgrimage.

Let us fill our daily life with the gift of hope that God gives us and through us, to allow it to flow to all who seek it.

Do not forget: hope never disappoints.  Let us pray that the coming Jubilee will strengthen us in our faith., May it help us recognize the Risen Christ in our lives, and transform us into pilgrims of hope.

The International Youth Ministry Team wishes to be a mediation, a “go-between”, to help us walk together: young people, the lay, and the Daughters of Jesus to “pass through that Jubilee door” and make a pilgrimage with hope. May we be mediators of true and effective hope for each person and with all those with whom we relate.

We would like you to know that throughout the year 2025, we strongly intend to provide the means necessary to enable all of us to experience the very essence of this special Jubilee Year.

 The FI Youth, from the different parts of the world, will offer each month a “light “through all our social network.  That will help us to pray, glimpse, hold tight and share with many others, the person of Jesus, the “anchor of our hope”.

Moreover, our FI YOUTH are preparing spiritually and in a more explicit way to live the “Youth Jubilee” from July 28 to August 3, 2025.  This will be done either in Rome or in their places. We desire to encourage ALL of us to live the whole year in the spirit of the “Jubilee of Hope”. 

 It is our desire that you join us. We count on you. Please invite others to do the same.

With greetings full of gratitude and hope.

                                                The International Youth Ministry Team