APR 12

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” -Romans 15:7
With joy, humility, and gratitude, St. James Catholic High School Educative Community - Maasin, Iloilo warmly welcomed in the morning of April 12 the pillars of the Hijas de Jesus Congregation - the Superior General Sr. Graciela Mirta Francovig, General Counselor Sr. Ma. Teresa Terradillos Pinto, Provincial Superior of the Indico-Pacific, Sr. Emelinda Falsis, Sr. Maria Bema Solis and the Legal Representative for Panay-Rural Schools, Sr. Nilda G. Genovate. The presence and support of PTA Officers and alumni were also acknowledged.
The program started with the Jamesian Community gathering together, holding colored flaglets and beaming with great honor and respect for the esteemed guests. Then, the Academic Coordinator, Ms. Cesa May P. Maido led an opening prayer full of praise and thanksgiving. The Grade 8 students shared their talents through a festive and devotional dance presentation emphasizing an educative community as inspired by St. Candida’s life and sayings. With grateful hearts, the school unites, celebrates, and praises God who gives everyone the courage to take part in the mission; offers justice, holiness, and peace which symbolizes love for people and for the whole world.
On behalf of the students, Ms. Ashley Joy Mallar, Mayor of the Supreme Student Government expressed her welcome message with deepest gratitude to Mother General and to the rest of the Hijas de Jesus Sisters. She highlighted the essence of being grateful to St. Candida and to the whole Hijas de Jesus Congregation. The Jamesians are truly inspired to live Mo. Candida’s charism and to instill in their hearts her sayings. Mrs. Ma. Salome Daphne L. Segura, the Principal, shared also her welcome message focusing on the joys that the congregation brings through Christian education and evangelization. The appreciation and love of the whole educative community were fully expressed through the giving of tokens by the teachers and staff. The community singing entitled, “Together” by Michael Yanga underlined the point, “Let us be one beautiful family, journeying together with God.”
Mother General responded that she and the rest of the sisters were truly fine and happy with the welcome program. She emphasized the charism and legacy of St. Candida alive in the schools, “My joy is to see many children come to our school to receive a Christian education.” She ended by thanking everyone for their patience and silence especially since she was not used to speaking in English.
Lastly, the guests had their picture taken, simple snacks, and a campus tour where they really appreciated what the school had prepared for them. Truly, this visit of the Superior General of the Hijas de Jesus Congregation, the General Counselor, and other Hijas Sisters inspired everyone with joy, humility, and gratitude.
– Ms. Clarisa Q. Zorca