Commemorating the Birthday of St. Candida Maria de Jesus
MAY 31

Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus (Source Facebook of CHJ)
Rejoicing in Faith and Grace: Commemorating the 178th Birth Anniversary of Our Beloved Foundress St. Candida Maria de Jesus and Celebrating the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ????
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Sacred Heart School - Hijas de Jesus
Today, the 31st of May 2023, we remember with gratitude the birth of our Mo. Foundress by whose life has shared the fruits of her faith. By her example, may we continue to be inspired to allow the Spirit to work in us, opening our eyes to the needs of those around us.
Happy Feast Day to all members and friends of the family of St. Candida Ma. de Jesus! Viva la Madre Candida!
Manresa School-Hijas de Jesus
Magalak! Umindak! Maghawak-hawak para ka Madre Candida
Manresa School educative community celebrated last May 31, 2023, the birthday of Mother Candida with the theme “Magalak! Umindak! Maghawak-hawak para ka Madre Candida”. It was truly a day of fun, enjoyment, and camaraderie, a day of prayer and worship, a day of giving and sharing, a day for Mother Candida, for her daughters, the Hijas de Jesus and for all the members of her family at Manresa.
In the morning, the community started with the praying of the Rosary at the Rosarillo Chapel, as we too celebrated the Feast of Mother Mary’s visitation to her cousin, Elizabeth. The chapel reverberated with the voices of men and women praying the rosary in unison. This was followed by a Eucharistic Celebration presided by Fr. Hansel Marasigan, parish Priest of San Roque in Las Pinas, and former member of the Faculty of Manresa.
The whole celebration was filled with friendly and joyful games, dancing, singing, agape, and a special message from Sr. Joji Silorio, RCA.