Talk on Our Characteristic Way of Educating (OCWE) and Discernment in Common
JUL 04

“Which of the points stressed in OCWE do you think you need to give more emphasis in your work as a teacher/ administrator/ staff of your respective schools?” This is one of the three reflective questions given by Sr. Emelinda C. Falsis, FI, Provincial Superior, Indico-Pacifico Province, in her talk on Discernment in Common and our Characteristic Way of Educating (OCWE). The talk was attended by the Teachers, Staff, and Sisters from the four Hijas de Jesus schools in Panay-Guimaras, namely, St. James Catholic High School, Maasin, Iloilo; Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion, Pototan, Iloilo; St. Joseph School - Hijas De Jesus Guimaras; and Colegio de las Hijas De Jesus, Iloilo City.
The activity held at the conference room of Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus, Iloilo City last July 3-4, 2023 was centered on the discussion of Our Characteristic Way of Educating (OCWE). OCWE is an F.I. document that serves as a guide for all Hijas de Jesus educators as they carry out their responsibilities in the different apostolic centers. This is anchored on Mother Candida's life and charism which highlighted these essential points : (1) Proclamation that God is Our father, (2) The Church, (3) Mary, (4) The World: Our Common Home, and (5) The Person as object of God’s love.
The second day of the talk focused on the process of discernment in common. Teachers, Staff, and Sisters were grouped into nineteen (19) having 6 -7 members per group. Every group underwent a process of discernment to this question:: Should Panay-Guimaras bring back the RCA in the organizational System of the FI schools? There was a first moment as data gathering or recalling the experience of having an RCA in the schools – both its lights and shadows as well as recalling the role of the Legal Representative. Sr. Lynn stressed one criterion for discernment: What will make our centers more agile, more responsive and effective, and more in keeping with our spirituality and mission?
The second moment focused on personal prayer over reasons for and reasons against bringing back the RCA or retaining the legal representative in our school system, taking into consideration the criterion agreed upon. In the third moment, there was a prayer for indifference that one may see with clarity and pray objectively before God. There was also a listening and clarification session on reasons for and reasons against the RCA and Legal Representative.
If there was no consensus on the first moment of discernment, the group needed more prayer moments in the purification of reasons and motivations. On the concluding part of the discernment process, all members of the group secretly voted in writing their decision for and reasons against RCA. The collated results of each group were submitted to Sr. Nilda G. Genovate, F.I., the community superior of Hijas de Jesus Sisters in Panay and Guimaras.
“Discernment can only be considered successful and can reach full maturation when a person felt at peace and not disturbed by his decision,” said Sr. Lynn.
Participants felt enriched, blessed, and grateful for having concretely experienced the process of discernment in common. They were also affirmed to take part in the process, that whatever the decision of the Provincial Superior, they can own that they are a part of it.
This 2-day undertaking concluded with words of gratitude from a representative of St. James Catholic High School and the closing prayer was led by a representative from St. Joseph School- Hijas de Jesus, Guimaras.
Blessed be God who loves us so dearly!
It's our Break time!!!