Successful Completion of MS Annual Faculty and Staff Retreat at the beginning of SY 2023-2024
JUL 22
The eagerly anticipated Annual Faculty and Staff Retreat for the academic year 2023-2024 held at Manresa Retreat House, Banawe St., Quezon City concluded successfully, with the participants refreshed spiritually and physically for an overnight retreat and prayerful sessions fostering their spiritual life, camaraderie, and collaboration among the dedicated educators and administrative personnel of Manresa School. The retreat was organized into four distinct groups, each with its designated schedule, allowing participants to engage in prayers and individual encounters with the Lord. They were able to sustain these days of silence for inner reflection and fostered a deeper connection with oneself and with God.
The retreats began with the school staff forming the initial group on July 3-4, 2023. Engrossed in deep prayer and immersion in the word of God, they helped one another by creating an atmosphere of silence and reflection at all times there. Guided by Fr. Braulio Dahunan, S.J., their Retreat Master, they had insightful input sessions in both the morning and afternoon, followed by ample personal time with God. In the evening, they gathered at the Manresa Chapel for a powerful hour of prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The highlight of the retreat was the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, presided by Fr. Arden Dacuna, O.P. This was preceded by meaningful small group sharing where participants shared the fruits of their prayers and the profound insights gained from their retreat experience.
Last July 19-20, 2023, the retreat for Administrators and Coordinators followed a similar pattern. They engaged in profound prayer and immersed themselves in the word of God, fostering an atmosphere of silence and reflection. Sr. Felisa Molina, F.I., their Retreat Master, skillfully led them through insightful input sessions in the morning and afternoon, allowing for ample personal time with God. In the evening, they had their last input for their retreat so that the next day, they will just continue on with their personal prayer. After the session, some went to the chapel and joined the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, while the rest had their night rest. The highlight of the retreat was a joyous celebration of the Holy Eucharist, presided by Fr. Arden Dacuna, O.P. Prior to this, participants engaged in meaningful small group sharing, where they opened up about the fruits of their prayers and the profound insights they gained from the retreat experience.
Sessions with Sr. Felisa Molina, F.I.
Small group sharing
Word of Thanks after the Mass
All the participants pose after the Holy Eucharist with Sr. Felisa.
On July 19-20, 2023, the retreat for Faculty members who have been at Manresa for 5 years and above followed a consistent pattern. They were absorbed in profound prayer and immersing themselves in the word of God, they created an atmosphere of silence and reflection staying in corners and spaces in the Manresa ground where they could be by themselves, alone with God. Sr. Joji Silorio, F.I., their facilitator gave them insightful morning and afternoon input sessions. In the evening, they dedicated themselves to an hour of prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Manresa Chapel. The retreat ended with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, presided by Fr. Arden Dacuna, O.P. Preceding this, participants also had a small group sharing about their retreat experience.
The Faculty, 5 years and above, with Sr. Joji Silorio and Sr. Marianita Tenoso, FI.
On July 21-22, 2023, the last group of retreatants was the Faculty members who have been 2-4 years in Manresa School. Under the guidance of Sr. Felisa Molina, F.I., they had a Psycho-Spiritual Integration session/retreat. They had followed a consistent pattern: after the input, they were given time for reflection and prayer, followed by sharing in small groups which were facilitated by the sister companions, Sr. Mary Juelar, Sr. Lee Uera, and Sr. Joji Silorio. In the evening, they watched a movie entitled, Invictus which was a beautiful story of the triumph of the human spirit and forgiveness. The next day, the sessions continued and after the last session, they were asked to draw the fruits of their reflection that symbolized where they are at this point in their life and their trajectory. The retreat culminated in a joyful celebration of the Holy Eucharist, presided by Fr. Arden Dacuna, O.P.
Small group with Sr. Mary, Juelar
Small group with Sr. Lee Uera.