Formation Workshop for the Hijas de Jesus Legal Representatives, Principals & Treasurers
DEC 11

This two-day formation program was made possible through the initiatives of the Indico-Pacific Province of the Hijas de Jesus under the leadership of the Provincial Superior- Sr. Emelinda Falsis, F.I. The program was intended for the leaders of the schools and centers to be able to gain insights and enhance their skills as they wrestle with challenges and current realities affecting them in the different apostolic centers.
On the first day, the theme was focused on “Envisioning the Future, Imagining Possibilities.” The day unfolded with Mr. Luis Arangoso, Jr. - Principal of the High School Department of Stella Maris of Davao as the facilitator. Mrs. Edna Giner, Principal of Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus, Iloilo City, formally acknowledged the presence of the participants from the different Hijas schools around Philippines, namely Manresa School - Paranaque City, Sacred Heart School-Hijas de Jesus Cebu City, Stella Maris Academy of Davao, Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus - Iloilo, Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion - Pototan Iloilo, St. Joseph High School - Guimaras, and St. James Catholic High School - Maasin, Manresa Retreat House administration and the Indico-Pacific Provincial Government. The School Head, Academic Director, Administrative Director, and Principals of National University Nazareth School were also invited to attend this first-day session. A prayer for peace led by Sr. Dina Galaura, F.I. - Principal of Stella Maris Academy of Davao Elementary Department opened the session. Mrs. Rosalie A. Idulsa pleasantly introduced the speaker of the day - Dr. Cynthia Arcadio, Ph.D.
Dr. Arcadio opened her session with a discussion of the current trends and their implications in our educational landscape. The participants were then clustered according to their context. She tasked the groups to discuss, reflect, and create an Action Plan for their schools and centers based on the implications of current educational trends. A rich sharing of different action plans was done in the afternoon sessions which evidenced the importance of creativity, resourcefulness, wide stakeholders’ engagement, and fidelity to the schools’/center’s vision mission in crafting the school improvement plans for futureproofing.
The last focus of the day 1 session was on how to ensure successful difficult conversations. The participants had a simulation on handling difficult conversations between an administrator and a teacher where one was tasked to be an observer. Insights and observations were shared after the exercise. Then Dr. Arcadio consolidated the sharing by providing comments and recommendations. The participants collectively realized that their diverse roles as administrators in the different schools and centers are invitations to the achievement of their shared mission. Hence the synodal spirit especially of listening and empathy shall keep their mission alive, relevant, and beautiful in fidelity to the charism and spirituality of Mother Candida and the schools’/center’s vision and mission.
Mrs. Edjie Delgado, Principal of St. Joseph High School, gave the words of gratitude to our esteemed resource speaker. Simple token and certificate were given on behalf of the Provincial Superior, Sr. Emelinda C. Falsis, F.I. Capping the first day with a thankful heart, Sr. Joji Silorio, FI, Representative of the Congregation in Manresa School, led the participants to an Ignatian Conscious Examen to close the first-day session.
The second day of the formation program was facilitated by Ms. Cesa May Maido, Principal of St. James Catholic High School. The day began with a prayer led by Mrs. Lane Sumagaysay, Principal of Colegio Inmaculada Concepcion. Ms. Maido gave a brief introduction of the resource speaker, Fr. Enrique Thaddeus Balongag, on the topic “Sustaining Financial Viability in Schools”.
Fr. Enrique used the 2018 Philippine Education Assistance Commission (PEAC) Certification Assessment Instrument (CAI) standards as a guide where “the fiscal and material resources are managed to attain school’s philosophy, vision, mission, goals, objectives, scope, and size.” He also shared practical templates which may be useful to ensure efficient and effective financial management. The participants were appreciative of the rich sharing. Sr. Edhen Mae Paranga, FI Principal of Manresa School-Elementary Department capped the morning session with words of gratitude. A brief conscious examen prayer was led by Sr.Gemma Douiles, FI, Principal of Manresa School - High School Department.
The two-day formation program concluded with joy - appreciating the learning opportunities offered by the Indico-Pacific Provincial Government of the Hijas de Jesus. May all the learnings/insights received bless each one with hope inspiring the school to stay relevant. Let the Hijas de Jesus schools become a school of choice rallying one’s vision and mission according to the mind and spirit of St. Candida Maria de Jesus. it was a challenge to continue the synodal journey of listening to one another, expanding networks, and nurturing the culture of care and shared mission while keeping our schools open to the diverse realities of the current times.
- Mrs. Rosalie A. Idulsa
@ Manresa Retreat House, 1&2 December 2023