JAN 02

New Year 2024 brings hope, new life, and new possibilities. Mater Dei community wants to be grateful for this new beginning and with a simple gesture greeted the bedridden Sisters of Tahanan last January 2. M. Candida has always a special care for the sick members of the community. It can be challenging when one has health issues in old age. Yet, small acts of love can make them smile and share joy with us.
Holding Jesus in the Crib, the Mater Dei Community went from one room to another of the sisters confined in their beds. We sang Christmas wishes, chatted with them, and read the message from M. Foundress, to which they eagerly and intently listened.
“I am sending you my season’s greetings with the desire to receive the Child Jesus in your heart...May He forgive our faults, imperfections, sins and everything bad He may see in us....Put on the garment of grace, thus be able to work for the greater glory of God.” MF # 43 (23 December 1892)
At the end of the message, we invoked them to pray for the Congregation, for all Hijas de Jesus especially for the Sisters in the service of authority, for our beloved Church, and our country.
Yes, kissing the Baby Jesus, and receiving the message of M. Candida mutually spurred fraternal warmth in our hearts as true sisters to one another. All the Sisters appreciated our visit even when some of them could hardly remember our names, just a smile and a tender were undoubtedly inspiring. But one of them, like a little child, was so delighted and thankful when at the end of the visit we gave her a “Ferrero Rocher chocolate” in a golden wrapper.
The visit was a brief moment of encounter to celebrate this blessed season, to contemplate humanity, and to honor the wisdom and courage of our elderly sick sisters.