
“To the uttermost part of the world I would go in search of souls”

JAN 24

“To the uttermost part of the world I would go in search of souls”

Introduction of the place:

The Hijas de Jesus Congregation, in particular the Province of the Indico-Pacific, upon the invitation of the Bishop of the Diocese of Ruteng, Msgr. Siprianus Hormat, DD, opted to have a community in Flores Island specifically in Manggarai regency where Ruteng City is its capital. At the moment, we are renting a simple house in Leda Lembor Langke, Ruteng which houses the first three sisters sent there.

Indonesia is home to a Muslim majority. However, there is a deep sense of respect for the Catholic religion. In a country where Catholics are a minority, we find Flores Island which is 95% catholic. The majority of these Catholics are found in the Diocese of Ruteng.

1. What is the culture of the country like?

Having been in Ruteng City, Flores Island, Indonesia for a good number of times now from the period of exploration up to the foundation of the new community I could say that we can easily adapt to their culture and vice-versa. Based on what I have experienced personally, the people of Ruteng are very warm, courteous, and hospitable. They have made us feel deeply the sense of family. One day we needed to install an internet connection in the house and we turned to our neighbors for help. We were able to get our internet connection the following day. With deep gratitude to them, I said: "Thank you so much for we have found new friends in you". But I was touched when they replied back to me saying: "Sister Lynn, we are not just friends...we are family." Deep inside, I said to myself: "Oh, wow! I have the charism of filiation and fraternity but they live the charism." Is it just because we are religious sisters? I believe they do the same to others. We saw it ourselves when they had a community gathering in our street. Indeed, there is a strong sense of community and family spirit in the neighborhood. They challenge us to live our charism with greater intensity.

The adjustment to their culture has not been so difficult because Filipinos and Indonesians have many similarities in some aspects of life but we can also learn many things from their culture. Like the Filipinos, they also give much value to family and community bonding activities. They have a deep sense of respect for their deceased parents. They are practicing Catholics and they fill the churches on Sundays. They give importance to religiosity and piety. They appreciate their work no matter how menial it is. They hold dear persons and acquaintances and would spend time chatting with them over a cup of coffee or tea. They are very simple and modest and they love to eat vegetables and foods with spices.  Their houses are simple. I noticed that the biggest part of the house is their kitchen. They entertain their friends and visitors warmly in their "ante sala". They have a special place reserved for people they consider as close family.

2. What do you highlight about the presence of the Hijas de Jesus there?

Ruteng is already evangelized by the SVD fathers and by the other female religious congregations. So, what more could we offer to the people as Hijas de Jesus? During this time of synodality, our presence in Flores Island would require us to simply walk and journey with the people of Ruteng, particularly with the young entrusted to our care.  We hope to journey with them in their growth and development so that they become useful members of the community and society.  We envision being their sister -companions along the way, to be a family that they can turn to and a safe place of formation for them.

3. What similarities are there between the charism of the Hijas de Jesus and the culture?

I believe that we, as a Congregation, can easily vibrate with their culture since we both cherish the family and community spirit, brotherhood/sisterhood, fraternity, and hospitality. We both value the giftedness of the young people and the wisdom of the elderly. They look at God as a Father who is provident, merciful, and loving. They have a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and they love the Church despite the disgraceful events of the past. In Ruteng, we feel very much at home with the goodness and warmth of people. We are part of a bigger family in Ruteng!

4. What is the connection of the Hijas de Jesus with the country?

What binds us with the country is our commitment to accompany and walk with their young people, especially in the character formation of the girls from grades 10 to 12 who are studying at St. KLAUS SCHOOL, Kuwu, Ruteng. These girls will be the future of the country and we are happy to contribute to their personal and spiritual growth and development. 

5. Indicate in three words how you define yourselves (specifically the Hijas de Jesus there).

The three things that could define our presence in Ruteng, Flores Island, Indonesia as Hijas de Jesus are: sister-companions along the way, a “family” that the people can turn to, and a safe place of formation for the youth.

A chronicle….

The exploration of possibilities in Indonesia began with the sisters of Asia Oriental in 2016. They received the inspiration and they pursued it with much passion and enthusiasm. With the help of Fr. Abdon Mansurdi, SVD, and his family, the sisters went there. The sisters were able to attract vocations to our Congregation, specifically to the Asia-Oriental Province. At the moment we have one Indonesian Novice who is in the novitiate of Asia Oriental in Manila for her formation. When the Covid -19 pandemic struck the sisters had to stop going to Ruteng.  However, the people clamored that they go back to Ruteng and wished that they form a religious community there. 

In 2022 of December during the Provincials’ meeting with the General Government in Rome, Mother General Graciela Francoviq, shared that it would be best for the Province of Indico-Pacific to assume the future presence of the Congregation in Indonesia. 

With Sofia Chang (Provincial Superior of Asia Oriental at that time), the General Counselor Teresa Li, and Emelinda Falsis, the present Provincial Superior of Indico-Pacific, they discussed the possible ways by which the Congregation could re-enter Ruteng. They reached out to Fr. Abdon for help.  He was very happy with this movement of the Congregation. 

To plan for going back to Ruteng, Sr. Emelinda Falsis went to Taiwan with Sr. Joji Silorio in February of 2023. Sr. Cecilia Tchong and Teresa Li, met personally with Fr. Abdon Mansurdi, SVD in Chiaji, Taiwan to discuss their plan and to set a date to meet the Bishop of Ruteng. In that meeting, they decided to go to Ruteng in June of 2023.

In February of 2023, Sr. Emelinda Falsis tried to share about Indonesia with all the communities in the Province of Indico-Pacific. Excitement filled the air! From March to May of 2023 all the communities in the Province participated in the process of communal discernment in Indonesia. The discernment was clear: we heard the call to go to Indonesia. However, the sisters suggested getting more data for the final discernment of the Provincial Government. 

On June 13, 2023, Sisters Cecilia Tchong of Asia Oriental, and Ma. Leoly Quitorio and Emelinda Falsis went to Ruteng with Fr. Abdon Mansurdi, SVD. They stayed in the convent of Santa Maria Berduka Cita. The aim was to meet the Bishop of Ruteng and to explore possibilities a little more as well as to gather more data. They also took the opportunity to do vocation promotion work in four schools; experience the culture and traditions of the people and consecrate to our Lady three young girls who had consistently remained in contact over time and who expressed interest in joining us as formal aspirants. Throughout their stay, Fr. Abdon served as a translator from English to Bahasa. On the day of their meeting with the Bishop, they were told that he had an emergency meeting in another city and so they were unable to see him. Instead, they were warmly welcomed by Vice-Bishop Alfonsus. 

Despite the good experiences during this trip to Ruteng, they left not being able to have an assurance that the Congregation could collaborate with the mission of the Diocese of Ruteng. But their hearts remained hopeful. They went back to their respective countries. Days later Sr. Emelinda Falsis received the good news verbally through Fr. Abdon who was always in direct communication with the secretary of the Bishop that the Bishop was inviting the Hijas de Jesus to serve in his Diocese in one of the three Catholic schools specifically for the pastoral accompaniment of the youth in the dormitory. 

The Provincial Government of the Indico-Pacific Province made its own discernment and recommended to the General Superior that the Congregation through the Sisters of the Indico-Pacific Province collaborate in the pastoral formation and accompaniment of the girls from grades 10 to 12 who live in the dormitory of St. Klaus School in Kuwu, Ruteng.  

With the approval of the Mother General on this recommendation, the Provincial Superior on behalf of the Mother General wrote to the good Bishop and indicated that we would be able to collaborate in the mission that he offered to us.

In the meantime, Sr. Emelinda Falsis went to Ruteng with Sr. Marie Sweet Candelaria on August 17-23, 2023 to meet and give formation to the three aspirants who have been waiting for the Hijas de Jesus to come back. Since the three became aspirants in June of 2023 they have been virtually accompanied via Zoom by Sr. Marie Sweet. Also, on August 21, 2023, another young lady made her consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary as an aspirant. Sr. Emelinda Falsis and Sr. Marie Sweet Candelaria together with the four aspirants stayed in the retreat house of the Pink sisters for one week. Before the Blessed Sacrament was exposed in the Church of the Pink sisters for adoration the sisters prayed so hard that during their temporary stay in Ruteng, they could receive the Bishop's written letter regarding our Congregation’s presence.


Lo and behold! On August 22, 2023, with the help of Fr. Abdon Mansurdi, SVD, the Sisters were able to secure the written invitation and permission of the Bishop addressed to the General Superior, Graciela Francovig, to be part of his Diocese. What a jubilation! They went back to the Philippines filled with so much joy and gratitude because the Congregation’s dream to officially enter the land of Indonesia was now within our reach.

The next thing that Sr. Emelinda Falsis tried to secure was the dwelling place of the possible sisters to be assigned. After looking at several possibilities, having consultations with Fr. Abdon and his family, as well as the approval of Mother General, we rented a house owned by Mrs. Jovita Servia in Leda, Lembor Langke Ruteng. In this house, the aspirants can now stay together to receive formation on our spirituality, catechesis, and English communication. This way, we can better know each other mutually. Moreover, the sisters can slowly integrate themselves into the life and culture of the Manggarai people in Leda.

As of now, Sr. Marie Sweet Candelaria and Sr. Ma. Judith Campaniel have already met the different congregations in Ruteng and joined the Association of the Religious. God’s presence is made so real through people who help the sisters establish relations and connections with those who can assist us in the mission. We await with much anticipation the start of our collaboration with the Diocese of Ruteng at St. Klaus School in July 2024.