Grade 10 and 11 Manresans Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
MAR 04

Manresa School administration and the High School departments rejoice with the parents for the Confirmation of Grade 10 and 11 students. The 80 Grade 11 confirmands including a teacher of the Senior High School department received the sacrament of Confirmation on February 11, 2023. The 154 Grade 10 students and 3 youth from Manresa School partner community in Fourth Estate, Paranaque beam with great anticipation and joy as they come early in Resurrection of Our Lord Parish, on March 4, 2023.
The parish priest, Rev. Fr. Lambert Legaspino, officiated the two celebrations. He represented Bishop Jesse Mercado. He was also assisted by Rev. Fr. Steve Villanueva during the confirmation of the Grade 10 students. He commended the capacity attendance in the Church so far after the pandemic and the students’ readiness, attentiveness, and active participation during the Mass. In his homily, Fr. Lambert reiterated the importance of Confirmation, the roles and responsibilities of the confirmands in their Christian life, and their fidelity to God as soldiers of Christ and defenders of the faith.
Over-all, the students were well-prepared and receptive, the congregation was behaved and the mass was solemn. The celebrations were made more meaningful as it also falls on during the yearlong celebration of the parish’s 50th founding anniversary. The Manresa School educative community hopes and prays that the Holy Spirit may continue to guide and empower the newly confirmed students to remain faithful to God, do good in every aspect of their lives, and bear witness to Christ in every situation.