DEC 20

The "congregadas" welcomed the third day of the PC with hearts filled with joy and gratitude. The graces received for the past two days are concrete affirmations of how the Spirit works in each one. Indeed, the Spirit is alive!
The day’s session started with a PowerPoint presentation, with Sr. Mary Juelar, sharing with the group, the life and mission of the sisters in Flores, Indonesia. She shared that the journey had not been without its challenges, yet as they looked back on their beginnings, they saw how God had been with them every step. They found a home in the vibrant presence of the sisters and the four (4) aspirants in the community. At the end of her sharing, Sr. Mary gave the sisters a transparent, cute bag from Indonesia, with the logo and motto of the General Congregation.
Sr. Yoli led the sisters in the opening prayer in Spanish, singing "Ven Espíritu de Dios sobre mí
The sisters proceeded with the day's task, concentrating their work on the Postulates, which is Prioritization, reflecting and praying over them, and inviting the Holy Spirit to guide their thoughts, sharing, and actions. The five reflection groups worked on the prioritization process of the petitions. The PC participants felt deeply challenged to listen to the movements of the Spirit, remaining profoundly attentive to each sharing and intervention.
Their day was interspersed with a few lighthearted moments.
The sisters received their mementos from Indonesia
Some light moments during breaks and meal times. ..