FASFI Volunteer in Bangladesh
AUG 04

On the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Marta Ezquerro a Fasfi volunteer set out from Spain for a month-long exposure to the FI mission in Bangladesh. Marta is one of our professors in the FI school in Pamplona.
Accompanied by two Sisters who fetched her at the airport, she has reached St. Candida Hostel and was warmly welcomed by the Hostel girls and staff , FI Formands and the Sisters.
Though it was a day of rest after a travel of 24 hours without proper sleep, she responded to an emergency need as first aider in the hostel.
She also experienced being greeted of her birthday in the parish and more to celebrate with the girls in the hostel. She was told that she seems enjoying every minute of her experience and she said ‘No, every second’ . She brings with her joy and life. Thank you Marta for coming. Thank you dear FASFI Family for sending Marta.